How I Passed My AWS Certified Cloud Practioner Exam In 4 Days – With No Prior Experience!

Hello everyone! It’s been a while, so here’s a quick update on my personal life — I just graduated in July with my Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and minor in Information Technology. This means finding my ‘big girl’ job and leaving my previous position of 5 and a half years as a full-time general manager of a popular fast-casual restaurant (iykyk!) and getting a corporate job in tech! I’m excited to work a 9 to 5 (and actually have a life for once!) instead of all the time working 50-70 hours a week managing a store and employees! I loved my job, but I was so exhausted and lost so much time building relationships with friends and seeing family.

Starting 2022 out the best way possible, I passed my AWS (Amazon Web Services) Certified Cloud Practitioner exam in just 4 days! That’s under a week of studying to pass this exam without any prior experience! I was actually quarantined during this period but I only studied a few hours a day so it’s doable and easy for anyone – you can even set aside some time to study a couple hours a day or listen to videos if you need to commute as well.

Here are the resources I used to earn my badge and insight on the testing environment if you choose to test at home:

  • Coursera – AWS Fundamentals –

    • GREAT “4 week course” but can watch and practice on your own time and they have a free 7 day trial. I only did the first course to give myself an overview of the AWS platform, but was able to complete in 4 days. It’s definitely do-able!

  • AWS Training

    • actual website training from Amazon – ALL FREE TRAINING

  • PDF overview of AWS services and definitions aws-overview

    • MY HOLY GRAIL!! Definitely do an overview of all the terms that pop up in practice exams for each component! The exam will ask you about certain services and you’ll need to know what they’re used for!

  • Whizlabs practice exam (the free one)

    • Use the free 65 question practice quiz! I started without knowing anything to see how I would do (38% haha) but kept practicing and learning and then took the exam once I mastered 90% and above and understood all questions and answers


The exam costs $100 USD to take, you can either take it in a testing center or at home (thru webcam). I chose to take t at home, had to download a secure web server that recorded what I did during the exam in order to take the test. I had 90 minutes to complete the exam, but realistically only used bout 25-30 minutes to complete all 65 questions. I got some ‘big brother’ vibes while I took the exam, I joke, but I mean it! I had to do a 360 view of my area I chose to test in, which was my office. I showed my ID to the proctor through my webcam, and I panned from ceiling to floor and went around the room, made sure my phone was out of arms reach, and showed around my desk and floor to ensure I didn’t have any paper, notes, or anything to write with. I moved my sleeves to ensure I wasn’t wearing anything or had anything written on my wrist and also show my glasses and ears to make sure I wasn’t able to cheat in any way or form. 

Upon starting the exam, you make sure your webcam is placed so you are centered within a green circle/oval on the exam page. I wasn’t able to read out loud (make any noise) or mouth the questions and answers. I just moved my head back and forth weirdly while I took the exam.

Once I completed it, PASS popped up!

Hopefully this better helps you understand how to pass the Amazon Web Services Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam in under a week! Best of luck! 



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